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Word look-up: « ɐ »

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The following 2 words match your search:

Older Kraliy Older Kraliy


    Particle used between a verb and noun that was hinted in the conjugation of the verb. See notes.

    Glosses: that, REL (p, Introduces a relative or subordinate clause.)


    The particle ɐ is required before a noun whenever it matches the last argument the verb was conjugated for. This could be either the subject (for verbs with no direct object marks) or the direct object (when marked on the verb).

    Conversely, a verb with no direct-object marking followed by a noun other than its subject does not require the particle nor does a verb with a marked direct object followed by an argument other than the direct object.

    Sample usage:


    Used before a subordinate phrase that applies to a noun that functions as the direct object of the subordinate verb.

    Glosses: that, REL (p, Introduces a relative or subordinate clause.)

    Notes: Compare tuː pjəˈlɐhu for 'the man that saw him' and tuː ɐ pjəˈlɐhu for 'the man that he saw'.

Wajj Wajj


    Past tense marker.

    Glosses: PST, past (p, Past tense marker.)

    Notes: May appear as if the verb stem ends in a vowel.

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